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OCV Vaccination Drive in Kamukunji, Majengo, Shauri Moyo, Pumwani, and Beyond! Protect Lives from Cholera Outbreak

Nairobi, KENYA - In a momentous effort to safeguard public health, residents of Kamukunji, Majengo, Shauri Moyo, Pumwani, and surrounding areas are embracing life-saving vaccinations against cholera through Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV). Witness the determination of our community as they turn up to receive the vaccine, demonstrating their commitment to protecting lives and preventing the spread of this deadly disease.

The OCV campaign, led by health authorities and community partners, aims to curtail the outbreak and protect vulnerable populations. As the vaccination drive progresses, it is crucial to continue practicing preventive measures to complement the vaccine's efficacy.

During the vaccination drive, health officers also played a vital role in engaging the public through health education sessions about cholera. These sessions equipped the community with essential knowledge on preventing the spread of cholera and highlighted the importance of practicing good hygiene and sanitation practices to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The collaboration between health authorities, community partners, and the active participation of residents showcases the power of unity in the fight against cholera.