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PS Calls for Harmonization of Priorities and Efforts Towards Universal Health Coverage

Nairobi,Tuesday May 30,2023 Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni of the State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards convened a crucial meeting today with the Head of Directorate and Departments. The objective of the meeting was to familiarize themselves with the department's functions, assess ongoing activities, and identify gaps in order to enhance service delivery towards achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

During the meeting, Principal Secretary Muthoni emphasized the importance of harmonizing priorities and synergizing efforts among the directors. The goal is to align their work with the government's mission and vision for the health sector, which aims to achieve Universal Health Coverage through a strengthened Primary Health Care system.
"Remember, reforms only come when you transform," urged Principal Secretary Muthoni, encouraging the directors to embrace sustainable approaches to address issues and remain flexible in welcoming new ideas. By adopting a transformative mindset, the department can drive meaningful reforms that will positively impact healthcare service delivery.
The familiarization meeting provided an opportunity for the Head of Directorate and Departments to gain a comprehensive understanding of their roles and responsibilities in contributing to the realization of Universal Health Coverage. Through collaboration and collective efforts, the department aims to improve service delivery and ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for all citizens.
As the State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards continues its journey towards achieving Universal Health Coverage, Principal Secretary Muthoni's call for transformation and collaboration sets a strong foundation for the department to achieve its goals and make a significant impact on the health and well-being of the population.