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Africa Women Summit Tackles Urgent Health and Empowerment Challenges

Nairobi, Kenya -  The 5th Edition of the Africa Women Summit convened in Nairobi, Kenya, on May 8th, 2024, to address critical health and empowerment issues affecting women across the continent. 

 The summit, held under the theme "Women's Health: Empowering Voices and Inspiring Change," brought together key leaders, policymakers, and advocates to discuss strategies for improving healthcare access and promoting gender equity. 

 Hon. Nakhumicha S. Wafula, Cabinet Secretary for Health, represented Her Excellency Mama Rachel Ruto, First Lady of Kenya, to the summit, highlighting the urgent need for collaborative efforts to address pressing health challenges faced by women in Africa. 

 Nakhumicha emphasized the importance of economic empowerment, regional collaboration, and youth empowerment in driving positive change. Discussions centered on various topics, including the economic empowerment of women, access to healthcare, gender-based violence, and youth empowerment. 

 The summit also witnessed the launch of the "Nairobi Declaration" on access to healthcare for rural women in Africa, signaling a commitment to advancing policy development and implementation in the region. 

 One of the notable initiatives announced during the summit was the plan to break the Guinness World Record for the largest number of women donating blood at a single event. 

This initiative aims to raise awareness about the importance of blood donation and address the critical need for blood supplies in healthcare facilities across the continent. 

 Hon. Nakhumicha urged participants to leverage their collective strength and resources to create an inclusive and prosperous Africa. 

She emphasized the role of collaboration, advocacy, and community engagement in driving meaningful change.

The Africa Women Summit concluded with a call to action for all stakeholders to continue working together to address the multifaceted challenges facing women in Africa.