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Principal Secretaries Harry Kimtai and Mary Muthoni host the Global Fund Country Team for an Introductory meeting.

Principal Secretaries Harry Kimtai and Mary Muthoni host the Global Fund Country Team for an Introductory meeting.

Nairobi, ,2023 Principal Secretary for Medical Services, Mr. Harry Kimutai, CBS, and Principal Secretary for Public Health and Professional Standards, Mary Muthoni, HSC, convened an introductory meeting  with the Global Fund Country Team led by Senior Fund Portfolio Manager, Mr. Paul McCarrick. The Global Fund has been a crucial partner in combatting HIV, TB, and Malaria, as well as strengthening health service delivery, infrastructure, and community systems.

During the meeting, PS Mary Muthoni emphasized Kenya's commendable progress in implementing the current Global Fund grants. She informed the meeting that comprehensive acceleration plans for the Global Fund Grants have been prepared, and regular joint meetings with County Health Management Teams are being held to review and monitor implementation progress.

Both Principal Secretaries reaffirmed their commitment to working closely with the National Treasury and other stakeholders to ensure the efficient utilization of funds, thus maximizing outcomes and bringing about positive changes in healthcare delivery.